First in Service Travel

Innovating the future of travel with service, strategy, and style

New York, NY United States

New York City-based First in Service (F1S) is a leading design house of travel, with clients in finance, fashion, entertainment, media, and technology. Sister and brother entrepreneurs Erika Reategui and Fernando Gonzalez founded F1S in 1991 from a family work ethic: service first. Today the company has an award-winning team in New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Bogota, Madrid and Toronto, with luxury leisure, corporate, entertainment and events divisions.

Virtuoso Member Since 01 Jan 2015

Agency Associates

Total 17 Results

Associated Companies

Associate Agency
New York, NY United States
Associate Agency
New York, NY United States
Affiliate Branch
Miami, FL United States
Affiliate Branch
Culver City, CA United States
Total 4 Results